Piazzolla Reflections
Piazzolla Reflections

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- Chau Paris (arranged by Claudio Constantini)Composer(s) Astor PiazzollaArtist(s) Ksenija Sidorova
Chau Paris (arranged by Claudio Constantini)
02:51$2.30 - RevelationComposer(s) Sergey VoitenkoArtist(s) Ksenija Sidorova
04:58$2.30 - Histoire du Tango: Café 1930Composer(s) Astor PiazzollaArtist(s) Ksenija Sidorova
Histoire du Tango: Café 1930
06:42$2.30 - Nocturne: A Kind of Lullaby of Times We Have Not Yet LivedComposer(s) Pietro RoffiArtist(s) Ksenija Sidorova
Nocturne: A Kind of Lullaby of Times We Have Not Yet Lived
04:06$2.30 - Concerto for Bandoneon and Chamber Orchestra ‘Aconcagua': I. Allegro marcatoComposer(s) Astor PiazzollaArtist(s) Ksenija Sidorova
Concerto for Bandoneon and Chamber Orchestra ‘Aconcagua': I. Allegro marcato
07:29$3.40 - Concerto for Bandoneon and Chamber Orchestra ‘Aconcagua': II. ModeratoComposer(s) Astor PiazzollaArtist(s) Ksenija Sidorova
Concerto for Bandoneon and Chamber Orchestra ‘Aconcagua': II. Moderato
07:01$3.40 - Concerto for Bandoneon and Chamber Orchestra ‘Aconcagua': III. PrestoComposer(s) Astor PiazzollaArtist(s) Ksenija Sidorova
Concerto for Bandoneon and Chamber Orchestra ‘Aconcagua': III. Presto
06:49$2.30 - Suite Lumiere: SoledadComposer(s) Astor PiazzollaArtist(s) Ksenija Sidorova
Suite Lumiere: Soledad
07:47$3.40 - María de Buenos Aires: Yo soy MaríaComposer(s) Astor PiazzollaArtist(s) Ksenija Sidorova
María de Buenos Aires: Yo soy María
03:02$2.30 - Fantasie on a theme of Piazzolla – Chiquilín de BachínComposer(s) Franck AngelisArtist(s) Ksenija Sidorova
Fantasie on a theme of Piazzolla – Chiquilín de Bachín
06:19$2.30 - Romance del DiabloComposer(s) Astor PiazzollaArtist(s) Ksenija Sidorova
Romance del Diablo
06:06$2.30 - Adagio in D minor, BWV 974 (after Alessandro Marcello’s Concerto)Composer(s) Johann Sebastian BachArtist(s) Ksenija Sidorova
Adagio in D minor, BWV 974 (after Alessandro Marcello’s Concerto)
04:03$2.30 - Two Keys to One Poem by J. Brodsky: The MoonComposer(s) Sergey AkhunovArtist(s) Ksenija Sidorova
Two Keys to One Poem by J. Brodsky: The Moon
03:08$2.30 - Two Keys to One Poem by J. Brodsky: The RiverComposer(s) Sergey AkhunovArtist(s) Ksenija Sidorova
Two Keys to One Poem by J. Brodsky: The River
05:46$2.30 - LibertangoComposer(s) Astor PiazzollaArtist(s) Ksenija Sidorova
Total running time: 80 minutes.

Album information
To celebrate Astor Piazzolla's centenary year, Ksenija Sidorova, an eminent ambassador of the classical accordion, pays tribute to him in an ecletic programme of his most innovative masterworks, including the passionate three-movement Concerto for bandoneon and Chamber orchestra (1979). Sidorova juxtaposes his music with four contemporary compositions alongside a beautifully melancholic Bach Adagio.
Here Sidorova pays homage to Piazzolla in her own way: ‘Piazzolla the revolutionary, the ground-breaker, a man thinking ahead of his time ... Playing this repertoire gave me a sense of artistic freedom and ignited my belief in advocacy of my instrument. For this album, I wanted to celebrate Piazzolla the innovator by pairing some his masterworks with pieces written by other composers for classical accordion, the majority of which I have premiered in recent years. Being of Russian heritage, I couldn’t help noticing the similarity between the nostalgia of the tango and that of Russian composer Sergey Voitenko’s Revelation. French accordionist-composer Franck Angelis’s Fantasia is based on Piazzolla’s waltz-tango, and the programme is completed by the Nocturne of Italian accordionist-composer Pietro Roffi and a piece by Sergey Akhunov.’