Dangerous Graces: Music by Cipriano de Rore and pupils
Dangerous Graces: Music by Cipriano de Rore and pupils
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- Questi odorati fioriComposer(s) Giaches de WertArtist(s) Mark Levy
Questi odorati fiori
02:42$1.80 - Vener, ch'un giorno aveaComposer(s) Giaches de WertArtist(s) Emily van Evera
Vener, ch'un giorno avea
03:22$1.80 - Hor che ’l ciel e la terra e ’l vento taceComposer(s) Cipriano de Rore
Hor che ’l ciel e la terra e ’l vento tace
06:52$1.80 - Dolci sospiri ardentiComposer(s) Luzzasco LuzzaschiArtist(s) Emily van Evera
Dolci sospiri ardenti
02:53$1.80 - Amor se così dolceComposer(s) Cipriano de RoreArtist(s) Richard Wistreich Emily van Evera
Amor se così dolce
04:42$1.80 - Bramo veder un dì per mia vendettaComposer(s) Marcantonio IngegneriArtist(s) Mark Levy
Bramo veder un dì per mia vendetta
04:46$1.80 - Vezzosi augelliComposer(s) Giaches de WertArtist(s) Emily van Evera
Vezzosi augelli
02:33$1.80 - Forsennata gridavaComposer(s) Giaches de WertArtist(s) Mark Levy
Forsennata gridava
01:36$1.80 - Qual musico gentilComposer(s) Giaches de WertArtist(s) Mark Levy Emily van Evera
Qual musico gentil
10:16$2.70 - Deh non cantar, Donna gentil, ch’io sentoComposer(s) Luzzasco Luzzaschi
Deh non cantar, Donna gentil, ch’io sento
02:03$1.80 - Non è sì denso veloComposer(s) Giaches de WertArtist(s) Emily van Evera
Non è sì denso velo
02:22$1.80 - O sonno, o della queta humida ombrosaComposer(s) Cipriano de RoreArtist(s) Mark Levy
O sonno, o della queta humida ombrosa
05:24$1.80 - Dolci sospiri ardentiComposer(s) Luzzasco LuzzaschiArtist(s) Mark Levy Emily van Evera
Dolci sospiri ardenti
02:39$1.80 - Gratie ch’a pochi il ciel largo destinaComposer(s) Giaches de WertArtist(s) Mark Levy Emily van Evera
Gratie ch’a pochi il ciel largo destina
04:50$1.80 - Tirsi morir voleaComposer(s) Giaches de WertArtist(s) Mark Levy Emily van Evera
Tirsi morir volea
Total running time: 70 minutes.

Album information
Highly recommended Diapason Découverte winning recording from the acclaimed Musica Secreta.
This CD will appeal to choral music lovers, particularly to fans of The Tallis Scholars and the Taverner Consort
This recording contains 16th century Italian madrigals by Cipriano de Rore and his pupils Giaches de Wert, Luzzasco Luzzaschi and Marcantonio Ingegneri. The madrigal was the most important genre of Italian secular music in the sixteenth century. Through it Italy became the centre of European music for the first time in its history.
Cipriano de Rore was an important innovator who set the trends that the madrigal was to follow in the second part of the century. Giaches de Wert further developed the madrigal to include bold leaps, recitative-like declamation and extravagant contrasts, all which had a marked influence on Monteverdi.
The madrigal at this time was a piece of vocal chamber music intended for performance with one singer to a part, however instrumental doubling or substitution was very common. The text was very important and emotional:hope, despair, rage, adoration, repugnance, pride, shame. This was reflected in the music through a combination of melodic, rhythmic and harmonic invention.
This CD forms part of the project "Female musicians at the court of Ferrara and Parma, 1565 - 1589". At this time Duke Alfonso d'Este assembled at his court a group of virtuoso women musicians and singers, a musica secreta to feed his fascination for the female voice...