Retrospect Ensemble
Retrospect Ensemble

Retrospect Ensemble intends to take its musicians and audiences on an exciting journey, exploring the repertoire of four centuries and embracing the practices, styles and aesthetics of former ages with renewed vigour and a fresh approach.
Launched on 1 May 2009, Retrospect Ensemble gave its inaugural UK performance at the Norfolk and Norwich Festival, opening the festival with a critically acclaimed performance of Handel's late masterpiece, Jephtha. Shortly afterwards they made their Edinburgh Festival Debut with soprano Carolyn Sampson.
Founded by Matthew Halls, Retrospect Ensemble is embarking on a new journey both for its musicians and audiences - exploring the repertoire of four centuries and embracing the practices, styles and aesthetics of former ages with renewed vigour and a fresh approach. The choice of the name Retrospect Ensemble ensures that the group need not restrict itself to one particular historical period nor to a rigid configuration; concerts range from small chamber ensemble to full orchestra and choir.
The ensemble has appeared at two of London's foremost festivals, the Spitalfields Festival and Lufthansa Festival of Baroque Music. The ensemble had an annual Wigmore Hall series; concerts across Europe and the Far East; an established an exciting partnership with the Korean National Opera, following an initial collaboration for performances of Gluck Orfeo ed Euridice in Spring 2010; and has a flourishing Young Artist Programme.