Go From My Window
Go From My Window

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- GreensleevesComposer(s) Francis CuttingArtist(s) Nigel North
03:24$1.80 - Robyn Is To The Greenwood GoneComposer(s) AnonymousArtist(s) Nigel North
Robyn Is To The Greenwood Gone
02:01$1.80 - Tinternell (or Short Almain)Composer(s) Anthony HolborneArtist(s) Nigel North
Tinternell (or Short Almain)
04:09$1.80 - My Lord Willoughby's Welcome HomeComposer(s) John DowlandArtist(s) Nigel North
My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home
01:11$1.80 - My Lord Willoughby's Welcome HomeComposer(s) William ByrdArtist(s) Nigel North
My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home
02:18$1.80 - WalsinghamComposer(s) John JohnsonArtist(s) Nigel North
03:19$1.80 - WalsinghamComposer(s) John DowlandArtist(s) Nigel North
05:05$1.80 - The Old MedleyComposer(s) John JohnsonArtist(s) Nigel North
The Old Medley
03:36$1.80 - Carman's WhistleComposer(s) John JohnsonArtist(s) Nigel North
Carman's Whistle
02:47$1.80 - John, Come Kiss Me NowComposer(s) AnonymousArtist(s) Nigel North
John, Come Kiss Me Now
04:46$1.80 - The Leaves Be GreeneComposer(s) John DanyelArtist(s) Nigel North
The Leaves Be Greene
05:04$1.80 - Une Jeune FilletteComposer(s) Daniel BatchelarArtist(s) Nigel North
Une Jeune Fillette
06:28$1.80 - The Spanish PavanComposer(s) Thomas RobinsonArtist(s) Nigel North
The Spanish Pavan
03:04$1.80 - The Woods So WildComposer(s) William ByrdArtist(s) Nigel North
The Woods So Wild
04:44$1.80 - Go From My WindowComposer(s) Edward CollardArtist(s) Nigel North
Go From My Window
04:32$1.80 - Go From My WindowComposer(s) John DowlandArtist(s) Nigel North
Go From My Window
03:59$1.80 - Loth To DepartComposer(s) John DowlandArtist(s) Nigel North
Loth To Depart
Total running time: 67 minutes.

Album information
A lovely recording of Dowland, Byrd and contemporaries which was named Gramophone 'Choice'.
Nigel North has an unrivalled reputation as a lutenist. His style merges impeccable technique with a jazz-like improvisational ability, which makes repertoire like Dowland ideal. The great lutenist composers of the sixteenth century were masters of improvisation, but, of course, we have no concrete evidence of the forms that these improvisations took. "The versions that are handed down to us in lute tablature are often so well worked out and complicated that they may represent a parallel track to the improvised version which we will never hear!" says North.
Of the composers represented on Go From My Window, Dowland needs no introduction. Of the previous generation, John Johnson is now less well known. He was one of Queen Elizabeth I's three court luteninsts for fifteen years. Employing his special style of 'division writing', Johnson wrote many beautiful solos and duets. As North says: "While his 'Walsingham' is breathtakingly simple, 'Carman's Whistle' may sound simple but is actually technically very demanding. I doubt that even Johnson could have improvised this setting."
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Überhaupt ist rund ein adäquates Adjektiv, um diese Aufnahme zu beschreiben, auch wenn das per DSD aufgenommene Album in einer regulären Jewel Box erscheint. Im direkten Vergleich zu der noch kürzlich erschienenen Best Of des bereits genannten McFarlane ist der Klang der Laute hier weniger ätherisch oder entrückt und auch nicht von der gleichen quellwassernen Klarheit, sondern vielmehr satt und weich.